What is CBN?

When it comes to cannabinoids there’s much more to the cannabis story than just CBD and THC. Have you also heard of CBN? The plant species cannabis, which includes characterized versions such as hemp, are a highly rich source of phytocannabinoids and minor cannabinoids – including CBN.

Discovering the intricate science behind how the cannabis plant works with your body, can help you unlock just exactly how cannabinoids could potentially help you on your journey to wellness.

Did you know? The most popular hemp cannabinoid – CBD, is just the start of how cannabinoids can be used for therapeutic effect. In fact, hemp is made up of over 80 other cannabinoids, all which carry their own individual benefits.

At Endoca, we value hemp education as part of our mission – to spread the word about the wonders of cannabis/hemp and cannabinoids. We believe it contains a wealth of properties that can support your overall well being.

What is CBN?

CBN stands for Cannabinol – not to be confused with the more popular cannabinoid Cannabidiol which stands for CBD. Throughout, the fascinating life span of cannabis growth and cultivation. There are various chemical changes, that brings about the production of different cannabinoids. Like in all living things the compounds found in cannabis are the chemical building blocks that give the plant its unique properties.

When it comes to Cannabinol its characteristics develop much later on in the cannabinoid development stages. As cannabis grows, cannabinoids evolve into one another – CBG into CBD and THC, and in the case of CBN, it starts out as THCa.

In a process called decarboxylation, where elements such as heat, UV light, and oxygen are exposed to the plant material. Chemical changes prompt transitions where THC begins to deteriorate and converts into CBN. It is thought Cannabinol is generally found in the maturing stages of cannabis development. Often found in higher amounts in old or incorrectly stored cannabis flowers that have been exposed to the elements.

How Does CBN Work?

Like all cannabinoids, it is believed the CBN interacts with the endocannabinoid system. This internal system is responsible for an array of bodily functions – including regulating sleep and immune function. The body is filled with cannabinoid receptors that are ready to receive incoming messages when cannabinoids are introduced to the body. Scientific research suggests that it binds to the CB2 receptor, and in turn promotes a sedating effect.


Research into the Cannabinol compound is still in its infancy and there is still very little evidence for us to draw from.

This information serves as a guide about the cannabinoids found cannabis and is not in way here to diagnose treat or cure any conditions.

Cannabis, hemp and its derivatives are not approved by the FDA. The only FDA approved cannabis extract is the pharmaceutical drug Epidiolex which is only available on prescription.

For more information on the effects of cannabinoids on the body we recommend reading the latest medical research at pubmed.com.

What’s the difference between CBD and CBN?

Are they the same? While they are both cannabinoids there effects and chemical makeup are different. Even though Cannabinol is one of the lesser known cannbinoids, there is mounting interest in its sedating qualities.

The hemp version of cannabis sativa only contains less than 0.2 % THC. So, the possibility of your CBD oil products containing CBN is very small (however there is a possibility it could be found in tiny trace amounts)

Trace cannabinoids are found in such low quantities, that they potentially have little to no effect. The advantage of having trace and minor cannabinoids present in your CBD products is the ‘entourage effect’– where all cannabinoids support each other in enhancing each others properties.

What are the effects of CBN?

Increasingly we find that cannabinoids are being brought to the forefront of the health and wellness industry for their therapeutic value. While CBD is best known for its calming and therapeutic effects and THC is famous for the ‘high’. Minor cannabinoids such as Cannabinol show potential in other areas – A scientific human study on the effects found potential in its sedating effects.

While we’d love to answer questions – can CBN help with anxiety?. There simply isn't enough evidence at this time to be able to confirm its effects. General studies into the effects of cannabinoids show that they have a stimulating effect on the endocannabinoid system.

Early scientific investigations have tested Cannabinol as a sleep aid but no conclusive results have been drawn. (Cannabinoids and Cannabis are still to be approved by the FDA) CBN is only be found in larger amounts in mature cannabis flowers, where THC has converted through exposure to air. As hemp only contains traces of THC, the levels of CBN believed to be present is little to none.

For more information on what’s in you CBD products check your batch reports to discover more information.

Is CBN Psychoactive?

CBN is a cannabinoid that evolves fro THC, which is known for its high inducing effects. Deeper research is needed in order to truly define if Cannabinol is psychoactive. Some scientists report, CBN as having no psychoactive effects at all, while others tell of mild psychoactive properties.

Still, want to compare CBN and CBD? Head over to our what is CBD? page to discover more. If you need a helping hand making an informed decision about Endoca CBD products, you can also send us a message via our chatbot or drop us an email — our support team will be happy to help!